My initial idea of photographing flowering Spiranthes Spiralis, which is one of the few orchids that bloom in autumn in Menorca, was ruined when I realized the dryness of the grounds.
Anyway, a stroll through the north of Es Mercadal finds always some small reward.
Dittrichia viscosa, also known as False Yellowhead, Sticky
Fleabane, Woody Fleabane and Yellow Fleabane, is a flowering plant in the daisy
This perennial plant is common throughout the Mediterranean
Basin. Originally it was found mainly in dry riverbeds and abandoned fields up
to a height of 1.500 m. Nowadays it is quite common in roadsides and ruderal
habitats, even in urban areas. It is considered an invasive species in
Australia. The False Yellowhead is a tough plant, very resistant to adverse
conditions and degraded environments. It is important as food for the
caterpillars of certain butterflies and moths, like Ioana iolas.
Despite the fresh-looking green color of its leaves and its
attractive inflorescence, this plant is
sticky and has a certain smell that most people find unpleasant. It contains an
essential oil and has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times,
especially in the Levant, as an astringent.
It is an important plant in Catalan tradition, often
mentioned in adages and proverbs. One adage says that: "els raïms són
madurs quan floreixen les olivardes.", the grapes are ripe when the Yellow
Fleabane blooms.
Estancia d'es Prat.